Jim Carrey Fuels His "Art" With His Hate Of Conservative Politicians

PHOTO: Getty Images

     Jim Carrey has always been a beloved actor who we can thank for comedic powerhouse films like The Truman Show, Dumb and Dumber, and Ace Ventura. Over the past 6 years or so the actor has put almost 100% of his focus into his true passion, painting. Now the man with the "rubber face" has seemed to turn his passion into another way for leftist Hollywood elitists to attack conservative leaders. 

     A little shade thrown back and forth from either side of aisle is one thing, but then there is Jim Carrey's artwork that just feels a bit too wrathful...

     Although Carrey wont confirm who this painting is necessarily of, it very clearly depicts the current White House Press Secretary to the Trump administration. To make a funny political cartoon of Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one thing, and even an unflattering painting (closer to a caricature) is another. Although it should be said that the piece is a little hurtful, I believe we should all be able to exhibit some thick skin. The problem here is the text within the tweet where Carrey pulls Sander's Christian faith into the mix, and somehow is able to tie working for Trump to damaging a religious practice. It makes Jim Carrey look disgustingly hateful, and increasingly trivial. It doesn't end with Sanders though.

     Here we go, the incredibly tiring act of attacking anyone that possibly sits opposite of your beliefs. I'm all for Carrey painting whatever he wants, but we are equally free to judge his work when it's posted to his Twitter account. It gets to the point where you kind of feel bad for someone who has all this anger inside and can't help but use his passion to attack individuals looks, standing in the eyes of their religion, or even unfairly blame politicians for the bloodshed of children.

     Here's to hoping that a one time Hollywood favorite isn't losing his mind too much. Having a political leaning or opinion is one thing, but this is reminiscent of a soon to be serial killer who is painting his lunatic opinions. Obviously that's highly doubtful as an outcome, but still.... These pieces are a bit terrifying. 

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